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Alice by Rachel Boxnboim


Alice by Rachel Boxnboim

Israeli designer Rachel Boxnboim has cast a ceramic tea service inside fabric moulds. Called Alice, the pieces retain the texture and seams of the fabric from which they were formed.

Alice by Rachel Boxnboim

Boxnboim pours the liquid clay into stitched moulds and gradually syringes it out again, leaving a thick layer clinging to the inside of the fabric.

Alice by Rachel Boxnboim

The cloth burns away when fired, leaving the delicate ceramic vessels behind.

Alice by Rachel Boxnboim

Boxnboim developed the process while studying at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem.

Alice by Rachel Boxnboim

Photographs are by Oded Antman.

Alice by Rachel Boxnboim

Here are some more details from the designer:

My work started with my decision to saw a kettle. I took the measurements from my mothers old tea kettle and when i was finished – i had a mould.

Alice by Rachel Boxnboim

In this project I made a connection between a soft material (fabric) and a hard material (ceramic), perpetuating and preserving the properties of the fabric. The ceramic takes on the texture of the fabric and the appearance of the seams, and looks like a kind of hardened textile.

Alice by Rachel Boxnboim

The utensils are useful and contain an element of surprise.

Alice by Rachel Boxnboim

The work included trying out different patterns and different fabrics, the form of the utensil being determined by the pattern, or considerably influenced by the fabric, and changing from utensil to utensil.

Alice by Rachel Boxnboim

2 comentários:

  1. Grandes novidades nos traz aqui amigo Fábio!
    Os últimos posts são surpreendentes!
    Efetivamente a arte cerâmica não pode cristalizar em modelos e decorações de décadas ou de séculos. A par dos modelos clássicos, cada época tem que criar as suas próprias novidades e parece que isso vai acontecendo sempre…
    Gostei imenso de ver , sobretudo os modelos a partir de invólucros em tecido.

  2. Olá Maria Andrade, tudo bom?
    Também achei muito interessante o trabalho desta artista. O importante deste tipo de trabalho, que eu tenho certeza que muita gente deve ter torcido o nariz, é desafiar os limites do convencional e do óbvio. É claro que peças tão radicais não são nem mesmo viáveis em linhas de produção, mas daí alguma coisa no meio termo do artístico puro e do comercial convencional pode surgir, e desta forma oferecer novidades para todos.
