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teacup tuesday - Porcellana Mauá

obs.: este post é bilingue para poder participar do evento "Teacup Tuesday", organizado pelas blogueiras Terri e Martha.

Desta vez, resolvi mostrar duas xícaras diferentes, produzidas por uma mesma fábrica, a Porcellana Mauá, que vou usar hoje para comemorar o "Tea Cup Tuesday".
This time, I´ve decided to share two different tea cups, produced by the same factory, Porcellana Mauá, that I'll be using today to celebrate the "Tea Cup Tuesday".

xícara de chá // tea cups
fábrica // manufacture: Porcellana Mauá - Mauá - São Paulo - Brasil
porcelana // porcelain
decoração com verniz colorido e detalhes em ouro // decoration: colour band and gilding details
déc. 1950/60 // 1950s/1960s
coleção // collection site Porcelana Brasil

Escolhi estas xícaras para que este post fosse bem diferentes das vezes anteriores, pois estas não apresentam decalque floral. A azulo foi comprada em um site de leilões, e a bordô em uma feira de antiguidades.
I´ve chosen these cups because I wanted this post to be quite different from the previous ones; both cups do not exhibit floral decals. The blue cup was purchased at an auction site, the burgundy one at an antique fair.

Como eu não tenho um prato com decoração igual à da xícara bordô, este é o prato que vou usar:
Once I don´t have the matching plate for the burgundy tea cup, I´ll be using this instead:

prato de sobremesa  // desert plate
fábrica // manufacture: Porcelana Pátria - São Paulo - São Paulo - Brasil
porcelana // porcelain
decoração com verniz colorido e detalhes em ouro em relevo  // decoration: colour band and gilding details
déc. 1950 // 1950s
coleção // collection site Porcelana Brasil

Reparem como é engraçada a barra dourada, cheia de pequenas pessoas, que mais parecem estar celebrando algum ritual pagão!
Notice how funny the golden edge is; a lot of little people, who seem to be celebrating some pagan rite!

Este prato eu comprei em um brechó (loja de artigos de segunda mão) junto com diversar outras peças.
This plate I bought at a thrift store, along with several other pieces.

27 comentários:

  1. Olá Fábio!
    As suas peças são lindas... e mais uma vez muito apropriadas para participar no Teacup Tuesday!
    Mas não vi o seu post inscrito lá! Esqueceu-se de ir deixar o link?
    A orla dourada do seu último prato parece uma dança de bacantes. Será?
    Muito bonita esta porcelana brasileira!
    Um abraço

  2. Olá Maria Andrade,

    Eu programei o post para começar automaticamente na virada do dia. Só agora que eu comecei o dia (mas nem é tarde... 7h da manhã!), e então pude atualizar os links da Terri e da Martha aqui, e me inscrever por lá.
    Obrigado pelo comentários sobre minhas peças! Eu queria variar, sair do floral com decalque. Havia pensado em uma louça mais antiga, de faiança e decoração art decó em estanhola (molde vazado), mas acabei optando por estas.
    Sim, também acho que são bacantes. mas como não tenho certeza, apenas disse parecer um ritual pagão.

  3. Fábio, o q vale é q os comentários não acordam ninguém, senão tinha q lhe estar a pedir desculpas por o ter contatado tão cedo! :)
    Às vezes esqueço-me da diferença horária,pelos vistos agora são 4 horas de diferença...

  4. Maria Andrade, não é ótimo como nos sentimos perto com todos os recursos online, conhecemos mais pessoas do que a vida sem internet nos proporcionaria, "viajamos" para outros lugares, entramos nas casas e corações de pessoas que nunca encontramos? Eu adoro isso demais. E não importa hora, dia, fuso horário, e quase nem mais idioma, pois o Google Translator está cada dia melhor. Já consegui ver blogs da FInlândia, Polônia, etc, sem saber uma palavra do idioma deles!

  5. Hello Fabio,
    how amazing to find a man who collects china. Your teacups are really outstanding designed. Love the little people on the golden decoration. It is interesting to learn on your blog about portoguise porcellana. I am a new follower to your blog.
    Greetings, Johanna

  6. Hello Johanna,
    Thank you for your visit!
    I know several men down here that collect china; it is not that rare. Maybe they are not as mad about porcelain and faiance as me (lol), but I´m not the only one in country.
    Actually, my china, and I, are not portugueses, but brazilians! :-) Anyway, Brazil was a Portoguese colony centuries ago, so... not a big mistake, I guess! Specially me, because most of my ancestors were portuguese.
    Thank you for following my blog, because I´m also following yours!
    all the best

  7. Hello Fábio,
    oh so sorry, that I got confused with your nationality. Google translator made me dizzy because it said "Portogese language", which is true but this is also spoken in Brazil. So funny, that I didn't realize that when I made my comment. Thank you for following also.
    Greetings, Johanna

  8. Hello Fabio,

    I just simply adore your collection of exquisite dishes; the colours are so delicate and rich repectively, as with each colourway that you have shown.

    ~ Everything is just so picture perfect the way in which you have so lovingly and artistically arranged these treasures!..,

    Thanks for joining Pam and I once again for TTTT and also for my 77th, Tuesday Tea For Two. ~ We always love having you join us!

    Cheers from Wanda Lee

  9. Hello Johanna!
    NO big deal at all!! I love Portugal and portuguese people! And thank God that we have Google translator, that is doing a better job each day.

  10. Hi Fabio, Oh what beautiful tea cups, I love the first one, such a beautiful color and all the beautiful gold. Thank you for visiting me today, I hope you have a wonderful week. Terri

  11. Hello Wanda, thank you for stopping by!
    I wish I had the time (and patience, and most of all, TALENT!) to set lovely table and vignettes as you girls do on your blogs! Maybe it is just not my thing.

  12. "Olá" Terri,
    I must confess that I do prefer the first one just like you! I like a lot the second one, but it is a kind of tea cup that you see all the time around here, a lot of factories produced something similar in shape, colours and decoration. The first one, on the contrary, is very different in shape, and the golden details are so rich and well executed!

  13. Ola Fabio,
    What splendid teacups you have shared with us today! They are both very elegant but I believe I favour the first one. You have some very nice patterns. Thank you for sharing your pretties with us and thanks for joining me for tea. I am a new follower also. Hope you have a wonderful week.


  14. Hello Sandi@!
    Me too, I like best the blue tea cup, as I´ve "confessed" to Terri! :-)
    Thank you for the visit and comment.
    best wishes,

  15. I just love your teacups, Fabio. The designs are so exquisite with the gold scrolls and the little people and loving the colors too...Christine

  16. Fabio! Your cups today are stunning! I have always been a fan of gold designs and filigree, and your two cups are perfect!
    The plate is fascinating, and reminds me of a Greek God Bacchus.
    You have some really beautiful china. Thank you so much for sharing it with us today.

  17. Oh Fabio, I am falling in love with your blue teacup! stunning & captivating! I love the cup n now I got find one too! thanks for sharing and wishing you great day!

  18. Hello Fabio! Your teacups are really pretty and extremely gorgeous!

    Also, thank you for dropping by my blog.


  19. HI there Xinex! Thank you for your visit and comment!

  20. Hi Terri, good to see you around again.
    This kind of decoration, with colour bands and filigree has been used a lot by the china factories, and I do enjoy it too. It´s so elegant!

  21. Hello Fitty´s! This blue tea cup is really something to fall in love with! That happened to me when I saw it for the first time on an auction, and said to myslef "It has to be mine". Luckly, I won the auction.

  22. Hello Fauziah! Thank you for your visit.

  23. Hello Fabio....Thanks for your visit and comment to my blog on Tuesday. Your cups and plates are very beautiful, too! Susan

  24. The first cup is just beautiful! So delicate and has a lovely shape.

  25. Hi Liz,
    Thank you for your visit and comment!

  26. O seu site tem sido uma referência para mim! Você tem um trabalho lindo!
    Grata, Telma

  27. Que ótimo, Telma, que meu trabalho lhe esteja sendo útil.
